Ensuring your business covers it all and avoids "inadvertent" risk.
Alternatives TLC

Alternatives TLC was founded by Carol R. Kaufman in 2005. She recognized that it takes more than one great idea to attract clients or investors; it takes demonstrating professionalism and control over the business’s “inadvertent” risks, most of which fall under and surround operations. She notes that too many times, it’s the questions that firms didn’t know to ask or couldn’t answer that result in a company’s failure.
Most recently, Ms. Kaufman has focused her efforts on operational excellence. She consults to small businesses of all kinds, including financial firms such as emerging managers, hedge funds and various other types of financial industry participants, performing high level operational due diligence, identifying the gaps a firm has and then strategically advising and orchestrating ways to mitigate the risks – such as educating firms on “best practices”, introducing firms to the right technology solutions/service firms and leading a search for a new needed solution or service.